Monday, November 3, 2008

Great statement for you and your children!!!

"Rosa [Parks] sat so Martin [Luther King, Jr.] could walk ... Martin walked so [Barack] Obama could run ... Obama is running so our kids can fly! Do not dare let his dream die! VOTE!!!"

--- Unknown Author

B. Brown's Thoughts: This statement is very profound and powerful because it clearly says that our predecessors have sacrificed for us, and each generation must take the next step and continue to move forward.

My parents were a part of the Civil Rights movement and heavily involved in the Student Movement of the 1960's and I take my voting rights very seriously. Black people officially received the right to vote in 1965. That's not that long ago. We must all excercise our right to vote and put the proper people in office and then hold them accountable.

Spike Lee's Classic Movie sums it up for me, Do the Right Thing!

One Love!

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